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Veggie Options
I'm trying to follow as much of a veggie diet as possible (limiting meat to once a week). Only problem is I am finding my options limited and boreing. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Also leaving out dairy products so have to take that into account.

Appreciate any ideas.
My mom is vegetarian & has a gluten/lactose intolerance so I've done a fair amount of cooking for her over the years.

Will you be replacing your dairy/meat with soya products? You can make a very nice "white" sauce using soya milk or even rice milk to help make pasta or veggie bakes more interesting.

Veggie sausages can be used for all sorts of things. eg. I make a lovely veggie sausage stew by chopping up the sausages into cubes & then using them as you would meat in a stew.

Cous cous is also wonderfully versatile & is yummy when mixed with various veggies. It can be either spicey or herby or lemony. And it's great hot or cold.

Another favourite is stir fried spinach with onion & lots of lemon juice. I also like to add some parmesan cheese, but that can be left out if you're avoiding dairy products.

You could also make excellent use of the huge variety of fresh herbs & spices available. And lemon or lime juice is yummy on a range of veggies. Smile
A couple of excellent vegetarian cookbooks that I can recommend might help inspire you:

Cafe Paradiso and Paradiso Seasons by Denis Cotter
Red, White and Greens, the Italian Way with Vegetables by Faith Willinger

Both are excellent books - the first two do use a lot of dairy in their recipes but the second is almost exclusively veg.

Good luck!
Thanks for that both of you. I will start using the soya products from Friday. I'm doing a detox until tomorrow which meant none of the soya; but once that is over ........... more variety.

Will try the soya milk for the sauces, I use it for fruit shakes in the morning anyway and don't find the taste horrid.
There's a Chef called Paul Gaylor who's written a few vegetarian cookbooks. You might wanna check some of his books out and purchase a few either online or in London at Books for Cooks.

BTW.. what are the reasons for changing your diet?
Cheffie Wrote:There's a Chef called Paul Gaylor who's written a few vegetarian cookbooks. You might wanna check some of his books out and purchase a few either online or in London at Books for Cooks.

BTW.. what are the reasons for changing your diet?

Thanks Cheffie

All part and parcel of the seminar I did last weekend. It covered everything, last day concentrating on health and nutrition. I am busy doing a 10 day detox and will then follow their other advice. The detox is not a silly one where you just have liquids. It's cutting out protein, tea, coffee, dairy, sugar etc etc. To be honest today is my 8th day and I feel great. I get up in the morning without feeling sluggish. I have so much energy during the day.
They advise if you do eat protein to always have a salad with it and also not to mix carbs and protein at any time.
During the detox I have not felt hungry either.

In all honesty I have just missed my cups of tea ( think it is a comfort thing and because it has been quite cold lately). I have also missed not chewing anything substantial as odd as that may sound.

It is amazing when following somthing like this that you realise what a limited options Vegetarians have when trying to buy a quick meal. There must be a huge market someone can tap into out there.
TracyW Wrote:Thanks for that both of you. I will start using the soya products from Friday. I'm doing a detox until tomorrow which meant none of the soya; but once that is over ........... more variety.

Will try the soya milk for the sauces, I use it for fruit shakes in the morning anyway and don't find the taste horrid.

If you get sick of the soya milk try rice milk - it is actually quite nice, a bit sweeter than the soya so good on breakfast cereal.

Also, if you want to avoid using white flour, you can use soya flour to thicken sauces, soups and stews, or simply a grated potato (in soups and stews).
Bushbaby Wrote:If you get sick of the soya milk try rice milk - it is actually quite nice, a bit sweeter than the soya so good on breakfast cereal.

Also, if you want to avoid using white flour, you can use soya flour to thicken sauces, soups and stews, or simply a grated potato (in soups and stews).

Thanks BB that helps a lot. Think my local health shop will be happy to see me.
TracyW Wrote:It is amazing when following somthing like this that you realise what a limited options Vegetarians have when trying to buy a quick meal. There must be a huge market someone can tap into out there.

I believe a restaurant chain, 'Eat and two Veg' has opened and supposed to be offering this kinda food... Though their reviews have been far from flattering.

As for fast food versions - there is no substitute for making it yourself Wink

Afterall why put in all the effort to have extra energy when you cannot utilise a little to surprise and excite your tastebuds.. Big Grin

Go to 'Books for Cooks' in Nottinghill when next you're in London and have a look around. If they don't have any books for you/ can't give you info.. then they'll direct you to the right place

I do normally pack food to take with me, just landed up being out longer than planned this particular day.

On the same chain of asking me why changing to the veggie option. I've been doing a bit of "research" into the meat industry and what is fed / injected to the cattle and chickens and not so sure I want these products in my body. :confused:
Also looking at how the Super Chainstores are impacting on industry and don't like that either. I'm chosing to use my farmers market and the local health shop provides a veggie box delivery scheme where you get a selection of organic fruit and veg from the local farmers delivered to you each Friday.

Every little counts towards helping these farmers keep going.

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