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Help for a new mom....
For the last few days my babs has had a cold, which made it difficult for him to feed.... we got nose drops and had him at the doctors...

Now his nose has improved a bit, but he has BAD BAD wind because of his attempts at feeding with a blocked nose... I feel so sorry for him when he arches and cries blue murder because of the pain.

To help with this I have bought 2 x Tommee Tippee Medical Anti Colic bottles with variflo teats... these bottles are supposed to help wind. It does seem to help a bit, but he feeds VERY slowly from these. I have also ordered 4 x Dr Brown's bottles, which will hopefully be delivered tomorrow. I have also bought Colief drops for wind... All in all this little bottle trip and drops has cost me nearly 60GBP.... Not that I am complaining, I would do anything to make him more comfy, but at the same time just want it to work!

The thing is, even with these drops and the special bottles, his little legs are still up in his tummy.... I have rubbed his little back and patted him and nothing is bringing the nasty's out!

I would appreciate any suggestions......
My youngest son had terrible colic so we went to a Chiropractor with him when he was a helped. If you're breastfeeding then you can drink caraway and aniseed "tea" will get it through the milk... If not give him a few teaspoons. All you do is pour boiling water over the seed and let it draw..also good for milk production. Hope that this is of some help to you...
I think your main problem is that his nose is blocked. The steamy atmosphere of a bathroom when you just run hot water into the bath and then leave the door closed for abotu 10 minutes used to do wonders for clearing up my babies noses. You could even put a drop or three of olbas oil in the hot water. Let your baby breathe this in for about half an hour and then try feed him. A humidifier should do the same job.

You could also try gripe water and telement drops (I think you can get it here in the UK) in his milk It sounds to me that you are bottlefeeding, and you are already doing everything else usually suggested, so I would then go back to just working hard at winding him after his feed. Also try feeding him in a more upright position. The air bubbles should rise to the surface of his tummy easier and alleviate the cramps.

But my main advice would be to wind wind wind! alternate rubbing in an anti clockwise motion with sitting him on your knee and bouncing him gently. Well I remember my relief and joy when my baby belched like a drunk sailor :haha:

Hou moed ... this stage doesn't last long - by 6 months you don't have to wind them any more. Smile
Thanx Penelope and Dudette.

I have not tried the tea yet... but will soon. Just one thing.. I am allergic to aniseed, do you think my little sprog would be too?

Dudette, I have put some Karvol in his cot on a tissue, and also some Olbas oil for kiddies. I tried the steam thing in the bathroom, but either my bathroom gets too much air or the water is not hot enough, but I cannot build up a steam... As for a humidifier... they are nice and cheap in SA, but sheesh VERY expensive here for some reason!

I just love it when he burps...then he is such a happy babs, otherwise he turns into the devil himself! :bigcry:
Penelope & dudette have already given some excellent advice. :thumbs: You've also already giving him colic drops & have bought the colic relief bottles. There's not much more advice I can give you. I invested in a humidifier (£29.95 @ Argos) & have never been sorry as I've used it a lot. I also found that those soothing night-time baby baths helped. My son had horrid colic from when he was about 2 weeks old & it lasted until he was about 6 months. Every evening at about 5pm he would start screaming until about 10:30pm. It was awful! :bigcry: So, you have my deepest sympathy. :hug: As with all things to do with our little ones - it's a phase & it'll pass! :chorus:
also you can give him ordinary saline drops in his nose, this helps to thin the snot so that he can breathe easy. If you do this before he has to feed, then the should be no problems with wind after..
*Doer of healing rituals and keeper of brooms.*

*Water flows, Wind blows, Fire glows, Earth grows, Magic shows.*
I agree with most of the advice above...if your hot water in the bathroom is not warm enough, boil a kettle, pour the water into a bowl, close the bathroom, etc.
Telament drops is not available here, but Infadrops are..
I agree with dudette, get rid of the wind...

And if the nose is blocked, I would go with Amen's saline nose drops and with all the advice regarding the steam inhalation to dilute the snot.
Thank you for everybody's advice...I really really appreciate it.

Ok... what we have done so far....

1. I bought some Colief drops (very expensive) £10, but anything for relief?? Except for the price, the other drawback is that you have to put the drops in the made-up formula, 4 hours in advance to enable it to act... BUT you are not allowed to have it in bottles for more than 12 hours... so I have to make 3 bottles at a time...

2. I also bought some Dr Brown's bottles (now known as B-free) they have some special funnel in the middle that reduces wind intake as well as glue ear? These bottles are also very expensive, but I think worth it. I read up about them before we spent all the money on them... The bottles had very good reviews.

3. As for the nose... well my inlaws just got back from SA and they bought me a humidifier...much cheaper there... about £ not too bad, but in the mean time I have been using the saline drops.

I have also been using Infacol for the times I wasn't able to make up the bottles in time...

JOAN.... the infadrops you mentioned, does it have the same basic ingredients as the Telement drops? And are they sold as INFADROPS? I have seen Detinol colic drops....
Bean of Love Wrote:Thank you for everybody's advice...I really really appreciate it.

Ok... what we have done so far....

1. I bought some Colief drops (very expensive) £10, but anything for relief?? Except for the price, the other drawback is that you have to put the drops in the made-up formula, 4 hours in advance to enable it to act... BUT you are not allowed to have it in bottles for more than 12 hours... so I have to make 3 bottles at a time...

2. I also bought some Dr Brown's bottles (now known as B-free) they have some special funnel in the middle that reduces wind intake as well as glue ear? These bottles are also very expensive, but I think worth it. I read up about them before we spent all the money on them... The bottles had very good reviews.

3. As for the nose... well my inlaws just got back from SA and they bought me a humidifier...much cheaper there... about £ not too bad, but in the mean time I have been using the saline drops.

I have also been using Infacol for the times I wasn't able to make up the bottles in time...

JOAN.... the infadrops you mentioned, does it have the same basic ingredients as the Telement drops? And are they sold as INFADROPS? I have seen Detinol colic drops....

Oops, I meant to say Infacol!
Infadrops is paracetamol in a dropper bottle!

Colief is available on the NHS, why do you not ask your doctor for a prescription!

Sorry for the typo!! Infacol, Infacol, Infacol... :duh:

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