Returning to Kleinmond on Saturday, 12 January 2013, the 11th annual Totalsports Challenge presented by Liberty Medical Scheme and REHIDRAT® SPORT will be seen offering welcomed support to the Hermanus based Yomelelani Pre-School and Day Care Centre.
Yomelelani, meaning “be strong”, was established in 2004 in the centre of two informal settlements where poverty and unemployment is at its highest. According to Chanelle Gumbi, Yomelelani Project Manager, the pre-school caters for children between the ages of 3-6 years. “Our operating hours are from 07:30 – 17:00 from Monday to Friday. We have three classrooms with three teachers all of whom have done or are doing ECD courses at Boland College in Caledon. We have our own kitchen with a cook/cleaner. Meals are prepared daily and meet the Department’s requirements for a balanced diet. We are licensed by the Department of Social Development to have 60 children. Unfortunately our facilities cannot cope with the demand from the community and we are forced to turn away many children at the beginning of each school year. The pre-school is open all year round, and is only closed between Christmas and New Year. It is important to note that the level of education of many of our parents is such that they are incapable of being able to mentally stimulate their own children. This makes attending Yomelelani all the more important. Many are either single parents or unemployed or both. It is a great honour to be the beneficiary of the Totalsports Challenge. Our after school care is in need of financial support, while educational material for the pre-school is always welcomed. The donation that will be received from the Totalsports Challenge will most definitely be put to good use,” says Gumbi.
The Yomelelani after school care was opened in 2011 in two classrooms in the newly erected Zwelihle Primary School. The after school care caters mainly for learners in Grades 5 to 7 from 14:30-17:00. This facility was registered in June 2012 and can accommodate 75 children. There are currently 45 learners that are registered. Homework is supervised and completed before they take part in extramural activities such as literacy and numeracy classes, karate and arts and crafts. At the end of each day before the learners make their way home they are given a light meal. This facility is only operational during the school terms.
For more information on the Yomelelani Pre-School and Day Care Centre click on the pre-school tab on the following website
Adrenaline junkies can choose between the 7-discipline Totalsports Challenge or the less daunting 4-discipline Totalsports Terra Firma Challenge.
DATE: Saturday, 12 January 2013
VENUE: Start – Gordon’s Bay (Beach Front)
End – Kleinmond (Beach Front)
EVENT: Totalsports Challenge – 12km surfski, 1.5km swim, 50km road bike (from Gordon’s Bay to Kleinmond), 13km road run, 13km K1 canoe, 25km mountain bike and finally a 9km beach run
FORMAT: Enter individually or in two, three or seven member teams
EVENT: Totalsports Terra Firma Challenge – 50km road bike (from Gordon’s Bay to Kleinmond), 13km road run, 25km mountain bike and 9km beach run.
FORMAT: Enter individually or in two or four member teams
NEW ~ What better way to prepare for the action of the Totalsports Challenge than by taking part in a 5km Fun Run the day before!
DATE: Friday, 11 January 2013
VENUE: Kleinmond Lagoon
TIME: 18:00
Enter online at
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