Pretoria – Job creation, the roll out of infrastructure development projects, as well as interventions to improve service delivery are some of the issues expected to be outlined when North West Premier Thandi Modise delivers the State of the Province Address (SOPA) on Friday.
The Premier’s address, which will also mark the opening of the provincial legislature, is expected to outline achievements, challenges and a programme of action to accelerate service delivery as well as to increase the momentum to work on unemployment, reduce economic inequality and poverty.
In his State of the Nation Address delivered last week, President Jacob Zuma announced that he has asked for work in the North West to be fast-tracked in light of the huge backlogs in the province, especially in electricity, schools, clinics, roads and water in the next two years.
The Programme of Action for 2013, to be announced by Modise, will cover the five priorities namely education, health, the fight against crime, creating decent work as well as rural development and land reform, the North West Provincial Government said on Wednesday.
Modise will, among other things, also pronounce on the Provincial Development Plan, ICT rollout, the local government turnaround strategy, Clean Audit 2014, uprooting corruption, strengthening partnerships for moral regeneration, the fight against the scourge of rape, HIV and Aids, rhino poaching, social cohesion and crime.
In the aftermath of the Marikana tragedy, the speech by the Premier will also reflect on implementation of social labour plans, the challenges facing the mining sector, the proposed restructuring by Amplats, recent spate of violence in the mining sector and the need to safe jobs in the platinum mining sector.
The Premier’s address will be broadcast live on Motsweding FM, North West FM and regional community radio stations from 10 am to 11 am. –